What to Do After Forgetting Your Keys Inside the Apartment in Paris?

Que Faire Après Avoir Oublié Ses Clés à l'Intérieur de l'appartement à Paris ?

We've all experienced that moment of panic: you close the door behind you and suddenly realize that the keys are left inside. If this happens to you in Paris, don't panic! Here's what you can do to fix this problem quickly and efficiently.

1. Don't Panic

The first step is to stay calm. It may seem difficult in the moment, but staying calm will allow you to think clearly and make the right decisions.

2. Check if there is another entry

Sometimes there is another way out like a patio door or window that you can open if they are unlocked. However, make sure you don't damage anything while trying to access it.

3. Contact an Approved Locksmith

If you cannot access your apartment any other way, it is time to contact a professional locksmith. Make sure you choose a licensed and reputable locksmith to help you open your door.

4. Methods to Open a Slammed Door

An experienced locksmith has different methods to open a slammed door without damaging the lock. Here are some common techniques used by professional locksmiths:

  • Picking : Using specialized tools to manipulate the lock pins and open the door.
  • Using a Card : Insert a plastic card between the frame and the door to manipulate the latch and unlock the door.
  • Using a Radio : Some locks can be opened using specific radio waves emitted by a professional device.

5. Avoid Questionable Solutions

It's tempting to try DIY solutions seen on the Internet, like using a paper clip or wire to try to open the door. However, these methods can damage the lock or door, which may cost more to repair later.

6. Prevention for the Future

After this experience, it may be a good idea to leave a set of keys with a trusted neighbor or close friend. You may also consider installing a combination lock or contactless key system to avoid finding yourself in this situation in the future.


Forgetting your keys inside can be a stressful situation, but with the right measures, you can quickly regain access to your home safely. If you are stuck in Paris, contact a professional locksmith for effective assistance

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