Rekeying Locks: Why Is It Important and When Should You Do It?

Rekeying Locks: Why Is It Important and When Should You Do It?

Rekeying locks is a vital security measure that should be considered in various situations such as moving into a new home, losing keys, or having them stolen. This process involves changing the internal mechanisms of the lock so that the old keys no longer work and new keys are issued. Here’s everything you need to know about rekeying locks:

Why Rekey Your Locks?

  1. Moving into a New Home

When you move into a new home, you can’t be sure how many copies of the keys might be in circulation. Previous owners, tenants, or even contractors may have had access to your home. Rekeying the locks ensures that only you and those you trust have keys to your new residence.

  1. Lost or Stolen Keys

If your keys are lost or stolen, there’s a risk that someone could find them and gain unauthorized access to your property. Rekeying the locks immediately eliminates this risk by making the old keys useless.

  1. Changing Roommates or Tenants

When roommates or tenants move out, it’s a good idea to rekey the locks. This ensures that former occupants no longer have access to the property, enhancing security for the new tenants or remaining occupants.

  1. Upgrading Security

Rekeying can be part of a broader security upgrade. If you’re looking to improve your home’s security without replacing all the locks, rekeying is a cost-effective option that ensures only new, authorized keys can operate the locks.

The Rekeying Process

Rekeying a lock involves the following steps:

  1. Remove the Lock Cylinder

The locksmith will first remove the lock cylinder from the door. This is the part of the lock that contains the key mechanism.

  1. Change the Pins

Inside the lock cylinder are pins that correspond to the cuts on your key. The locksmith will replace these pins with new ones that match a different key.

  1. Issue New Keys

Once the pins have been changed, the locksmith will provide you with a new set of keys. These new keys will work with the reconfigured lock, while the old keys will no longer function.

  1. Reassemble and Test

After rekeying, the lock is reassembled and tested to ensure it operates smoothly with the new keys.

Benefits of Rekeying

  • Cost-Effective: Rekeying is generally less expensive than replacing the entire lock.
  • Enhanced Security: Ensures that only authorized individuals have access to your property.
  • Convenience: Can be done quickly and efficiently by a professional locksmith.

When to Replace Instead of Rekey

While rekeying is a great option in many cases, there are times when replacing the lock might be a better choice:

  • Worn or Damaged Locks: If the lock is old or damaged, replacing it might be more effective than rekeying.
  • Security Upgrades: For significantly higher security, such as installing smart locks or high-security locks, replacement is necessary.

Contact Us

For professional rekeying services, contact La Clé du 16 at 07 67 96 22 46. Our experienced locksmiths can quickly rekey your locks, providing you with new keys and enhanced security. Whether you’ve just moved in, lost your keys, or want to upgrade your security, we’re here to help.

Rekeying your locks is a simple yet effective way to ensure your home remains secure and that only trusted individuals have access.

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